

外国人登録制度が変わります/ The Alien Registration system will change


The law for partial amendment to the Immigration Control and the Refugee Recognition Act and the Special Act on the immigration control of, inter alia, those who have lost Japanese nationality pursuant to the treaty of peace with Japan, and the amendment of the Basic Resident Registration Act were enacted on July 15, 2009. According to introduce of new system, the Alien Registration system is going to be abolished, and foreign nationals will be subject to the Basic Resident Registration Act as same as Japanese residents. The new system will begin July 9, 2012.

住民票が作成されます/ Foreign nationals will be eligible to receive a Residence Record (Juminhyo)


Foreign nationals will be eligible to receive a Residence Record (Juminhyo) as same as Japanese.
Those people will be subject to make a Residence Record (Juminhyo).
・Medium to Long Term Residents (who stay more than 3 months legally)
・Special Permanent Residents
・Persons granted permission for temporary refuge
・Persons granted permission for provisional stay
・Persons who are to stay in Japan through birth
・Persons who have renounced Japanese nationality

外国人住民の方も転出届が必要になります/ Foreign residents will be required to notice of moving out

これまでの外国人登録制度では、他の市町村に住所を移した場合、転入先の市役所に居住地変更登録を申請することになっており、転出地での手続きはありませんでした。新しい制度では、まず転出地の市役所に転出の届出をし「転出証明書」を受け取ってから転入地の市役所で転入の手続きをすることになります。 Under the Alien Registration Act, foreign residents who have moved to another municipality are required to notice their change of address to that municipality, but not to the municipality from where they move out. With the new system, foreign residents will be required to notice to the municipality from where they move out and obtain a “Move-out Certificate (Tensyutsu Syomeisyo)” before noticing to the municipality they move into.

※「在留カード」とは/What is “Resident (Zairyu) Card”?


Resident (Zairyu) Card will be issued to medium to long term residents when granted permission for extension of the period of stay or permission for a change to resident status at immigration office.

※「特別永住者証明書」とは/What is “Special Permanent Resident Certificate”?


Special Permanent Resident Certificate will be issued to special permanent residents. The place for procedure is Alien Registration window at Citizen Affairs Division, Tateyama City Hall.

法務省 出入国在留管理庁ホームページ

健康福祉部市民課戸籍係 住所:〒294-8601 千葉県館山市北条1145-1